Putting the power and precision of the most advanced Aviation Charts in your hands.
Putting the power and precision of the most advanced Aviation Charts in your hands.​

We are in the safety and operational efficiency business.​

For customers requiring precision aircraft navigation, AED Aero is your only trusted source for the latest in aviation charting cartography technology. Our Aviation Charts are fully compliant to all International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 4 requirements.​

Our Products

Being the most advanced aviation maps ever made, the Aerocharts® product line allow the pilots and aircrews to have increased situational awareness which allows them to navigate with precision to produce highly effective results around the world.

The most advanced civilian Geospatial Information database in the world. It enables us to transcend the data to other business segments with the ability to manage everything from underground utility infrastructure, to the roads and buildings, to managing the airspace above, all under one geodata set. 

Gladiator Database®

growth per year
1 %
Data Elemenents
0 Billion +

Gladiator Database®

growth per year
1 %
Data Elemenents
0 Billion+